Anyway, I used my sister Emily's idea of making a big poster mommy and having the kids take turns giving her accessories (mother's day gifts).
I found all of the accessories at and just printed them off and laminated them. Then on the back of each I wrote the name of a song we've been working on, plus a couple mother's day songs that we hadn't learned yet, but are short and easy to teach.
Then I put each "gift" in a different gift bag. Each kid would then choose a gift bag, pull the gift out, see what song was on the back, and then tape it to the mom poster (I told the kids our poster mom was named "Page"). Then of course, we would sing that song.
If I were to do this again, I would make the mom look a little more...hmmm...not so manequin looking. She looks a little spooky to me, eventhough I do like her outfit.
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